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Fractions Game

Math game to learn fractions.

What is the PROBLEM we are trying to solve?:

The problem to be solved is the students' understanding of the topic of fractions.
This comprehension problem has been detected in the identification of fractions and operations with them.
It is not that one or two students per class have this type of problem, but rather that it is generalized and begins at lower levels,
in the basic cycle, and creeps up to the highest levels of Baccalaureate.

What is the proposed SOLUTION?:

The solution we propose is through mathematical games developed in Virtual Reality with interaction with the objects on the stage.
At the moment there are two types of games. One would be a wall of blocks to complete with the different fractions that appear on the
side and another a set of inserts.
This project is aimed at secondary education,
but it can be projected to the University and address a variety of mathematical topics such as Trigonometry and Algebra.

What is the JUSTIFICATION of the project?:

The justification is innovation in education. The data is extracted from 12 years of teaching at UTU-CETP.
Generate new experiences in students that awaken interest in the subject and at the same time introduce them to cutting-edge technologies
to prepare them for a not-so-distant future.
The experiential aspect of virtual reality with mathematical games can give a twist to teaching methods and not just keep us with the traditional blackboard.
In any case, it does not mean that it is a substitute for the latter. It is intended for now as an experimentation in core classes.
The scope of the project is national, but if it has good results it could be extended to other countries in the region.

Memory 360

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